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LEMON CRUMBLE CAKE- THE ONE E-JUICE 100ML is a delicious Lemon and cream filled cake, with sweet crumbles and powdered sugar, guaranteed to hit your vape juice sweet spot.

Lemon Crumble by Beard Vape Co. is a tasty new vaping sensation combining a a fresh moist Lemon Crumble pie with creamy, sweet, tart lemon cream. The exhale is a combination of smooth creamy lemon custard, sweet crumble and powder sugar that offers an unbelievable flavor explosion..

The One.

Earlier this year Beard Vape Co debuted a premium e juice flavor by the name of The One.

The One was talked about immensely leading up to its release and was feature at many Vape Expo’s across the globe. This flavor was the talk of the town and everyone want to be the first one to get their hands on it. Beard Vape Co decided to take all of the most popular e juice flavors and combine them all into one sauce.

One sauce to rule them all…

FLAVOR NOTES: Lemon, cream, biscuit, sugar

Now it’s back!

Lemon Crumble Cake by The One 100ML is the newest addition to The One flavor line and it is extremely delicious. I would say that it fits the criteria for this flavor line.

Lemon Crumble Cake by The One 100ML has the flavor profile of a delectable lemon cake that has the crumble crust incorporated into it.

From inhale to exhale your taste buds will be grateful and thanking for you such an amazing experience. The inhale is more aimed towards the lemon fruit sensation. That is very sweet while the exhale is when the crumble cake really shines.

It ties the inhale together perfectly with its exhale and is really just a fantastic flavor all around.

Also, the throat hit is very smooth for a dessert flavoret vape juice. And you will not experience any burning or charring sensation.

E Cigarette Empire carries Lemon Crumble Cake by The One in a 100ML. Chubby gorilla bottle with industry standard nicotine levels of 0MG, 3MG, and 6MG. The original The One flavor was the biggest hit of its time and so is this!

Get your hands on this brand new premium e juice flavor before anyone else can!

  • Flavor Profile: Lemon Crumble Cake
  • VG/PG: 70/30
  • Nicotine Levels: 0MG, 3MG, 6MG
  • Bottle Size: 100ML


  • 100mL Chubby Gorilla Bottle
  • 70% VG
  • 30% PG
  • Made in USA
  • Manufactured by Beard Vape Co.
  • Available nicotine: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg

WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

The One Lemon Crumble Cake - Beard Vape Co. - 100mL


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